
All the photos appearing on this site with copyright information (visible and/ or embedded) are the properties of Hotabi Shirube, and are protected by international treaties on intellectual property and other applicable laws. These photographs may not be copied or retransmitted by any means without explicit authorization from Hotabi Shirube.

Interested potential users who wish to obtain an authorization to copy the photographs on this website, must receive explicit written permission from Hotabi Shirube by sending an email to hoshirube@gmail.com. This request email must contain the following information:

-the name of the requestor
-email address of the requestor
-the name of the organization or the company for which the requestor is making the order
-the address of the organization or the company for which the requestor is making the order
-the website URL of the organization or the company for which the requestor is making the order
-the intended use of the photographs

Any reproduction permission granted by Hotabi Shirube will be valid only for the use stated in the return email from Hotabi Shirube. Other use of the photographs requires a separate request for authorization from Hotabi Shirube. This permission may not under any circumstances be transferred to a third party.

The person, company or organization that has received via mail or email the permission to reproduce photos of Hotabi Shirube must mention the obligatory copyright notice © Hotabi Shirube with each photo unless stated otherwise in the authorization email from Hotabi Shirube.
The users who received a usage authorization from Hotabi Shirube may crop the photographs, but must not apply any other modification unless stated otherwise in the authorization email from Hotabi Shirube.

Hotabi Shirube reserves the right to refuse or to revoke the authorization for the use of photographs if it is deemed that this use is contrary to its constitution or if a user does not respect the terms of use.

For more information please contact:
Hotabi Shirube









星旅標( hoshirube@gmail.com )

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